Does this feel familiar? You've started your new job and the receptionist shows where to find the message pads (for when it's your turn to man the station during her lunch breaks) ... |
![Message Pad 2](images/funnies/office/work02.gif)
You've been working for a while now, you've even become friendly with your co-worker in the neighboring cubicle, you know the one with the strong work ethic. |
![Give 100% At Work](images/funnies/office/work03.jpg)
Nevertheless, you've settled into your daily routine and schedule ... |
![Office Timetable](images/funnies/office/work04.jpg)
As you are preparing your bosses notes for the THIRD staff meeting this week ... you find some papers have gotten mixed up with the meeting notes ... |
Well that explains a lot. Nevertheless, you've got 15 minutes to do the final revisions of the meeting notes and you are starting to wish your keyboard has some Special Function Keys ... |
![Special Function Keys](images/funnies/office/work07.jpg)
And, especially ...
![Fuck It Key](images/funnies/office/work08.jpg)
Finally, you're set to print and the printer goes down ... |
![Broken Printer](images/funnies/office/work09.jpg)
But, you need 12 copies right now for the meeting that starts in five minutes. And, you need them NOW ... |
![Fast Copies](images/funnies/office/work10.jpg)
After the meeting, you stroll down to the HR department to check the bulletin board to see if there is ANYTHING else you can do ... |
You give up and go back to your cubby only to find that the brand new computer system is down ... |
![Manual Labour](images/funnies/office/work17.jpg)
Because the IT department didn't install the anti-virus protection properly ... |
![Anti-Virus Protection](images/funnies/office/work18.jpg)
You'd take a break and go to the water cooler if it looked like this |
or, better yet ![Vodka Cooler](images/funnies/office/work20.jpg)
Panic ensues as employees are forced to revert to old school 'computers' ... |
![The Original Computer](images/funnies/office/work21.jpg)
It's 4:17pm—the computers are back online, and your boss hands you the report changes he forgot to give you this morning ... you know, the report he needs by 5:00pm—322 changes in a 200-page document ... |
![Head Up his Ass!](images/funnies/office/work22.jpg)
For a brief momemt, you lose your head... |
![Lost Head](images/funnies/office/work23.jpg)
and, then you start daydreaming
![Preparation H](images/funnies/office/work24.jpg)
But, then you come back to reality, after all we are in a rough economy and prison time is hard to explain on a resume. However, while your are sitting waiting for a raise. |
![Waiting for a Raise](images/funnies/office/work25.jpg)
Try not to end up like this guy ... |
Or, worse ... |